HIP Program Returns to Gulliver for the 10th Year


As Health Information Project (HIP) kicks off its 11th year, Gulliver is set to welcome the program back to the Upper School for the 10th year.

HIP held its kickoff training for faculty sponsors and student board members earlier this month; a day of learning and preparing that included a panel discussion on mental health.

Gulliver’s own Marlyne DeLima, a guidance and college counselor at the Upper School, participated in the panel alongside individuals from Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ Mental Health Services and Comprehensive Health Services, a pediatrician, and another school counselor. Panelists shared information about resources they provide their students, some of the mental health issues teens are facing, and what their experiences have been at their particular schools.

A student-led, peer-to-peer program, HIP empowers high school students to tackle the health issues of their generation, at their own schools. Co-founded by Gulliver alum Valerie Berrin ’07, the HIP model is preventive – not reactive – and trains students to create school environments where talking about health issues is safe, acceptable and mainstream. 

Currently in 58 Miami-Dade County high schools with 1,700 peer health educators, HIP will work with over 34,000 ninth graders this school year.

Mrs. Suzanne Landsom, Physical Education Faculty, will once again serve as Gulliver’s HIP faculty sponsor, as she joins forces with junior and senior peer health educators to lead the program for all ninth graders. Audrey Apollon ’20 is Gulliver’s 2019-20 HIP President.