We recently caught up with James Ferraro Jr. ‘04! Read on to learn about where his career has taken him, his favorite Gulliver memories, his advice to current students, his favorite Netflix series, and more!
Q: What are you up to these days?
A: I am just over 7 years into my legal career and was recently named partner at The Ferraro Law Firm. In addition to practicing law, I am a workout fanatic (which has persisted since my time at Gulliver). Normally I would be traveling for work and pleasure, when possible, quite often, but obviously that has been curtailed due to COVID-19.
Q: What do you like about the work you are doing now? Describe your career path.
A: Fighting for a worthy cause and witnessing our clients’ satisfaction. Simply being a part of a legal system that allows individuals to recover for their or their loved one’s injuries or death due to exposure to toxins and/or environmental pollutants, in and of itself, brings immense gratification. Successfully pursing justice on behalf of such individuals in this legal system brings about a level of gratification that is hard to put into words. Nonetheless, the feeling is addicting and definitely serves as a catalyst that propels me forward in my career.
I am very fortunate to have joined a well-established law firm that my father started by himself more than 34 years ago. The foundation has been built and going forward my goal is to add several floors to that foundation. I have been given a lot of freedom to exhibit intrapreneurial endeavors, thus, I am working hard to expand our practice areas and grow our law practice as a whole.
Q: Is there anything you learned during your time at Gulliver that you feel was helpful in your career?
A: The importance of diversity and inclusion. During my time at Gulliver it was already a diverse place, and diverse in several ways (i.e., racially, socioeconomically, etc.). I made friends with everyone I could, irrespective of their background or where they came from. Once I went on to college and entered my career, diversity was not something foreign to me and I firmly believe this has made me into a connector and someone who is easy to work with.
Q: What has been one of your proudest moments thus far?
A: In 2015 (less than 2 years into my legal career), securing a multi-million-dollar verdict on behalf of family that was extremely deserving. This family believed in me from the day they walked into our office until we walked out of a Miami-Dade courtroom with a $17,000,000 judgment in hand. Back then they made a lot of bold predictions about me that have turned out to be true. For example, they predicted that I would quickly become one of the top young lawyers in the South Florida legal community (last year I was named as a top 40 under 40 lawyer in South Florida).
Q: What is one of your favorite memories from your time at Gulliver?
A: Being a part of the 2000 State Football championship team, which included the late Sean Taylor.
Q: What experiences did you have at Gulliver that helped prepare you for college and beyond?
A: In addition to my answer to question No. 3, the competitive spirit in athletics and academics at Gulliver served to push me forward in all aspects of life.
Q: What alumni events have you attended and which do you look forward to the most?
A: I attended my 12-year reunion but I am open to attending future alumni events.
Q: As a Gulliver Prep alum, what advice would you give to current students?
A: Make friends with as many of your peers as possible and begin networking NOW. In high school the concept of “networking” may seem foreign or irrelevant to most. Fortunately, I made a lot of friends and built lasting relationships during my time at Gulliver. Looking back, I cannot stress how important my network has been to my career and overall wellbeing.
Rapid fire!
Favorite Netflix series you discovered during quarantine: Money Heist
First place you want to vacation once it’s safe to do so: South Pacific
Favorite cartoon character growing up and why: Bart Simpson because I loved his rebel personality