Summer registration is open! Explore our programs

After School Programs

After School Program classes allow students to indulge in their hobbies and interests. Classes include engineering, painting, several styles of dance, swimming, and sports. Because courses are offered on different days, students can choose a variety of Enrichment classes each semester. For more details and information click the button below to log in to the MyGulliver portal.

A Lower School student working on an art project

Frequently Asked Questions

What is After Care?

Gulliver Prep offers an After School Care program for children in PKā€“Grade 4, beginning as soon as the children are dismissed from their classes. Homework time, snacks and age-appropriate activities are supervised by our team of After School Care counselors. Children must be pre-registered. The school nurse is on campus and available during the program, which ends at 6:00 p.m. All Gulliver rules and policies in the Student-Parent Handbook apply to After School Care.

For Additional Information

For additional information, please contact us at 305.665.3593, ext. 3327.

What is Enrichment?

Enrichment classes offer students the opportunity to explore and develop a variety of new interests, as well as to reinforce favorite activities. All classes are presented in a fun and skill-building environment. A description of Enrichment classes and registration will be available online. An email will be sent to you when registration is open. All registration and payment must be completed online. Children who miss all or part of a school day because of absence will not be allowed to participate in Enrichment. Children are picked up by the aftercare staff and taken to the enrichment room. They will receive a snack and begin their homework until the Enrichment teacher arrives. When the class is over the child will be brought to A drive to be picked up.

For Additional Information

For additional information, please contact us at 305.665.3593, ext. 3327.

What is Youth Sports?

Gulliver Prep Athletics offers a youth sports program for its younger students in grades 1-5. This program is for Gulliver Prep students only.

The Gulliver Youth Sports Program works to develop students into athletes at a young age. From the first day of practice, the coaches work closely with the students to teach them fundamentals and good sportsmanship. The overall aim of the program is for each child to learn while having fun. Great emphasis is placed on the enjoyable experience of wholesome competition and the development of healthy minds and bodies rather than on winning scores.

For Additional Information

For additional information, please contact us at 305ā€“665ā€“3593, ext. 1519.

What is Gulliver Swim School?

The Gulliver Swim School program promotes the importance of learn-to-swim and water safety, while also helping children master the skills to become proficient swimmers for a lifetime. What our coaches have learned by guiding experienced swimmers to Olympic medals and world records, they utilize in our swim school curriculum to teach beginning and entry-level swimmers how to enjoy swimming and move on to Swim Club.

For Additional Information

For additional information, please contact us at 305ā€“665ā€“3593, ext. 1462.