Grades 5-8
Middle School
Middle School uncovers the passion and potential in everyone. Students learn and experiment, and successes and challenges are both roads to growth.
The Middle School experience includes a broad scope of courses designed to fit a student’s readiness and interests. The forward-thinking curriculum advances a strong foundation of knowledge where students can apply their critical thinking skills.
Middle School champions challenging, innovative, and personalized learning designed to meet the needs of a diverse and dynamic world. New concepts, self-discovery, shared experience, deep understanding, accomplishment, satisfaction, and fun are part of the balance that Middle School students experience every day.

The Middle School Experience Includes:
- The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme
- The EDGE Program
- More than 25 electives, where students can find and pursue their passion
- World language options from across the globe
- Social-emotional learning support from faculty advisors
- A project-based science and social studies curriculum
- A full spectrum of visual and performing arts opportunities