Summer registration is open! Explore our programs

Signature Academic Program


Upper and Middle School Engineering Program

Gulliver Prep’s Engineering Signature Academic Program, offered at the Middle and Upper School levels, helps prepare students for the 21st-century workplace and leadership roles. Articulated through all grades, the rigorous project-based curriculum in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) focuses on literacy, effective oral and written communication, group collaboration, and entrepreneurship.

Faculty Contact

Yoly McCarthy

Engineering and Biomedical Science Department Chair


305.666.7937  EXT 1113

Student Work


FRC 5557

FIRST Robotics team

Speed Raiders

Solar Go Kart team

Best STEM Application


Julia Hornstein ‘21, Ishan Shah ‘20, Anthony Aparicio ‘21, Joshua Delgado ‘21
Best Overall Presentation

“Save Woofie”

Jordan Schmidt ‘21, Katie Alverez ‘20, Melanie Martucci ‘20, Roberto Lugones ‘20, Joshua Hamburger ‘20