The Gulliver Prep Music Department uses the approach of a performance-based curriculum. Students participate in conservatory-style lessons and master classes outside of the classroom setting, as well as solo performances in competitions, school, and community events. The music program classes include string, wind and percussion, vocal and jazz ensembles, as well as AP Music Theory. Students in both the middle and upper school programs attend the following competitions: Florida Band Association (FBA), Florida Vocal Association (FVA), and Music Performance Assessment (MPA) as well as other nationally adjudicated events.
Primary and Lower School Music
Grades PK-4
Starting in Primary School, students learn to appreciate and participate in the performing arts. We encourage our students to feel comfortable speaking and performing in front of others, seeing it as a positive experience and understanding the joy of performance.
Past Music Performances
2023 Primary
Spring Concert
2023 Lower Spring
“Music of Life” Concert
Middle School Music
Grades 5-8
Students interested in the performing arts have the opportunity to develop skills to a high level of expertise and competence. Individual goals and class accomplishments lead to a positive experience and understanding of the joy of performance. The music program includes beginning, intermediate and advanced ensembles in the disciplines of band, chorus, and strings.
The Jazz Band is a nationally-recognized group of musicians adhering to a performance-based curriculum. This ensemble participates in as many as fourteen main performances during the year, including community concerts and judged performances. The Jazz Band has scored Superior Ratings at Florida’s Music Performance Assessments 10 years in a row.
The Jazz Band is open to students in grades 7 and 8 with previous instrumental experience. Auditions are required.
Students learn about a variety of musical genres, including jazz, jazz-fusion, rock, and classical. Musical growth is monitored weekly through assignments such as scales and exercises. Members may audition for local and state band organizations including Solo and Ensemble, All-State Band, and Honor Band. Students also have the unique opportunity of working with fine educators and musicians. Past guests include composer and arranger Bob Longfield, the Boston Brass Quintet, and the Young Patrons Opera.
2022-23 Middle School Music Accolades
- All-State – Josh Achenbaum ‘27
District Music Performance Assessment
- Symphonic Band – Superior
- Jazz Band – Superior
- João Camurugy Notari ’29 – Superior (Student Conductor)
District Honor Band
- Mario Ribera ‘29
- Hudson Burke ‘28
- Oscar Campo Marino ‘28
- Sebastian Carrillo ‘28
- Logan Chaney ‘28
- Hady Leger ‘28
- Josh Achenbaum ‘27
- Vladimir Anosov ‘27
- Ryan Ciattoni ‘27
- Anna Isabel Meyer ‘27
- Jack Spafford ‘27
- Thomas Vesval ‘27
- Jazz Band – Superior, First Place
- Symphonic Band – Superior, First Place
Solo and Ensemble
- 23 Superior Ratings
- 8 Excellent Ratings
Middle School Advanced and Chamber Orchestra at Music Performance Assessment of the Florida Orchestra Association. The students attended the Solo and Ensemble Music Performance Assessment by the Florida Orchestra Association. At this event, they were evaluated individually or in small ensembles. The students put in great effort and did an outstanding job of representing the school with the following ratings:
- 4 Superior with Distinction ratings
- 8 Superior ratings
- 22 Excellent ratings
Each student had to practice a solo piece and rehearse with a pianist multiple times in order to get ready for the event. The students got great feedback from the judges that will help them further advance their playing skills.
Middle School Orchestra Orlando Fest – Straight Superior ratings and Second Place
Middle School Chorus – Excellent Rating Florida Vocal Association District Evaluation
Advanced Chorus and Chamber and Advanced Orchestra participated in this year’s Orlando Fest
Thomas Kellogg ‘27 – All-State Middle School Mixed Chorus
Middle School Advanced Chorus Orlando Fest – 1st place, Superior Rating
Middle School Advanced Chorus – Soprano Siena de Maria was chosen and performed at the Spotlight Kidz performance at Radio City Music Hall, NY
Upper School Music
Grades 9-12
Gulliver Prep’s Upper School music curriculum provides a conservatory-level program for talented students with important venues for their musical abilities. Concert Jazz Band (Wind Ensemble, Pep Band, Jazz Ensemble, and Orchestra), Vocal Ensemble, and String Ensemble are performing units. Numerous opportunities for performance are afforded, including school functions and community, state, and national events. Students will also have multiple opportunities to participate in small ensembles as well as perform solos at the local, district, and state levels. Also offered with the music curriculum is AP Music Theory.
2022-23 Upper School Music Accolades
Chorus, Band, and Orchestra
All-State participants at 2022-23 FMEA conference in Tampa
High School Mixed Chorus:
- Julia Witherspoon ‘25
- Kate Brewer ‘24
- Salomon Bibas ‘23
High School TTBB Chorus:
- Kaveen Chainani ‘26
District Music Performance Assessments
- Wind Ensemble – Superior rating
- Vocal Ensemble – Excellent rating
- String Orchestra – Superior rating
- Jazz Band – Superior rating
OrlandoFest National Music Festival
- Wind Ensemble – Superior rating and 1st Place
- Vocal Ensemble – Superior rating and 1st Place
- String Orchestra – Superior rating and 1st Place
- Jazz Band – Superior rating and 1st Place
In addition, the Wind Ensemble and the String Orchestra received the highest scores in their category and earned the Grand Champion Award for Orchestra and Band.
Qualified for State Music Performance Assessments
- Wind Ensemble
- String Orchestra
- Jazz Band
Participation in State Music Performance Assessments
- String Orchestra – Excellent rating
Solo & Ensemble Music Performance Assessments
- Orchestra – 3 Superior with Distinction (memorized solos) & 19 Superior ratings
- Band – 18 Superior ratings & 4 Excellent ratings
- Chorus – 9 Superior ratings & 3 Excellent ratings
Selected for District 20 High School Honor Band
- Fernando Bianco ‘24
- Joey Buttricks ‘25
- Diego Cuono ‘24
- Nikhil Gowda ‘25
- Tomas Kay ‘24
- Christopher Korn ‘24
- Tomasso Nestra ‘26
- Juan Rovira ‘24
- Tobias Schoenwald ‘24
- Stefan von der Goltz ‘24
Selected for UM High School Honor Choir
- Aiden Aparicio ‘23
- Salomon Bibas ‘23
- Kate Brewer ‘24
- Julia Witherspoon ‘25
Past Music Performances
Gulliver Prep Upper School Music Department presents “Sonic Boom”
Music Faculty Contacts
Grades 1-3
Shantal Francis
Lower School Music Faculty
Grades 4-8
Besnik Hashani
Middle School Performing Arts Faculty, Strings Director
Grades 4-8
Edgar Rubio
Middle School Performing Arts Faculty, Band Director
Grades 4-8
Valerie Martinez
Middle School Performing Arts Faculty, Choral Director
Grades 9-12
Mari Liis Calloway
Upper School Performing Arts Faculty and Strings Director