Biomedical Students Make Their Mark, Advancing to State H.O.S.A. Finals

Home > Biomedical Students Make Their Mark, Advancing to State H.O.S.A. Finals


We are pleased to announce that the following students are regional H.O.S.A. Future Health Professionals winners in their competitive categories. HOSA, an international student organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, helps students prepare for careers in health science and healthcare by offering leadership and competitive opportunities. They will move on to the state final conference in Orlando in April.
Medical Math
1st place: Neelesh Pandey

1st place: Ashley Garcia
2nd place: Bella Burns

1st place: Balthasar Laemmli

Sports Medicine
1st place: Emma Steremberg
2nd place: Evelyn Kelly
3rd place: Sophia Hernandez
4th place: Andrea Cavallaro

Human Growth and Development
4th place: Maya Quintero

Community Awareness
1st place: Ruby Rodriguez-Valdivia/ Nico Carballo

Forensic Science
3rd place: Emma Die-Dienes/Jojo Meeschaert

Public Service Announcement
1st place: Sofi Guillod/Alice Levinger/Amanda Lasen

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