Building a Legacy: A Gift to Name the Performing Arts Center Stage

Home > Building a Legacy: A Gift to Name the Performing Arts Center Stage


We are thrilled to announce a gift made to Transformation. Together. 2026., Gulliver’s capital campaign. A generous family has come forward with a $1 million gift to name the stage at our new Performing Arts Center, which will be located on the Upper School Campus.

The family is new to Gulliver this school year, and their child is thriving in his transition to Middle School.

“From our first visit to Gulliver we were struck by the warm welcoming culture of the school. Coming from a very small school close to home, it was important to us, and to our child, to have a place that was not only welcoming and felt safe, but would be supportive with the transition to a larger community. We have seen him quickly adapt to the higher executive functioning needs of Gulliver’s programming, as well as take responsibility for his school work with the great support systems the school provides.”

Recognizing all that Gulliver has given their family in such a short period of time, the family decided to make Gulliver a top philanthropic priority, giving back financially and with their time, getting involved and volunteering on school committees. Building relationships is important to them, and they believe that relationships need to be bilateral in order to be strong. 

In developing our new relationship with Gulliver, we have entrusted them with the very important responsibility of educating our child. In turn, we feel that it is our responsibility to help strengthen the Gulliver community and help provide the resources needed to create the best environment for the school to deliver on its educational responsibilities. We want our children to understand that this can be best achieved not only through the application of financial support, but also the addition of one’s time, to help apply those financial resources.


This significant gift marks the first in Phase IV of Gulliver’s capital campaign, which will bring a state-of-the-art Performing Arts Center to the Upper School Campus. This transformative space will impact generations of Raiders to come, as the first of its kind in school history.

“Naming opportunities like this are a chance to establish a long-term legacy relationship with Gulliver. Many families come to Gulliver over multiple generations, and in that way, they are building a legacy relationship with the school. For us, this was a way to begin to build that legacy relationship that we hope will cross future generations of our family. It has always been important to us to support the communities we are a part of, and benefit from, and we are very excited about growing with the Gulliver community and being a part of strengthening its future for all students.”

To learn more about our capital campaign, please visit



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