Alumni Spotlight: Ibis Valdez ’10

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We recently caught up with Ibis Valdez ’10. Read on to find out what she’s been up to since high school, her favorite memories from her time at Gulliver Prep, her career path, and more!

What are you up to these days?

Currently, I’m spearheading the new program year as President for a second term of the League of Women Voters of Miami-Dade County. My role involves coordinating our board operations, developing civic engagement programs, and driving voter education initiatives. It’s a dynamic role that combines advocacy, community engagement, and leadership, aligning closely with my passion for public service.

What do you like about the work you are doing now? Describe your career path.

The aspect of my work that excites me the most is the opportunity to influence and educate on civic matters. Starting my career path with a focus on law and community advocacy, I’ve always been driven to understand and improve the societal systems we live within. This role perfectly aligns with my desire to make a substantive impact on community well-being through policy and education.

Is there anything you learned during your time at Gulliver Prep that you feel was helpful in your life after Gulliver?

The International Baccalaureate program at Gulliver instilled in me the principle of “think global, act local.” This mindset has been crucial in my work, especially in understanding the global implications of local actions and the importance of diverse perspectives in solving complex problems. The rigorous academic environment also honed my critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are indispensable in my daily work.

Are there any Gulliver teachers or coaches you credit as having positively influenced you?

Señor Montero was not just a teacher but a passionate educator who loved his subjects and inspired his students to appreciate the depth of literature and history. Mr. Valencia’s leadership and vision in the IB program taught me the importance of forward-thinking and planning beyond the immediate future. Mr. Schachner’s ability to relate literature to real-world issues sparked my interest in how narratives shape society. There was also a female English teacher who profoundly influenced my approach to media and information—her lessons on critical media consumption shaped my understanding of news integrity.  

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at Gulliver Prep?

The Uniteen Fashion Show stands out as a highlight of my time at Gulliver. It was more than a fashion show; it was a celebration of community service, supporting local businesses, teamwork, and the arts, held over the newly constructed Olympic pool—an innovative and memorable setting!

What has been one of your proudest moments?

Being recognized in Brickell Magazine’s Top 20 Under 40 was a significant milestone, affirming my efforts in civic engagement. Another profound honor was my invitation in April 2024 to the White House for Cuban-American Day, which celebrated my heritage and my role in influencing policies that affect the Cuban-American community. Additionally, my involvement in the documentary “The Hunting Ground” was a pivotal moment. The film highlighted the pressing issue of sexual assault on college campuses and led to my participation at the 2016 Academy Awards, where I stood alongside advocates like Lady Gaga and Joe Biden to push for necessary changes and awareness. This experience not only amplified my commitment to social justice but also underscored the power of collective action in driving societal change.

 As a Gulliver Prep alum, what advice would you give to current students?

Embrace every opportunity to learn through practical experience. Life’s most valuable lessons often come from real-world engagements and not just theoretical knowledge. The best way to understand a complex game like Monopoly, or life, is to participate actively and learn adaptively.

Rapid Fire Responses:
  • A quote that motivates you: : “Just do it.” – Nike. This simple phrase reminds me to move forward with actions that align with my values and goals, even when faced with challenges. Don’t overthink it! Just do it. 
  • Last movie you watched and loved:  “Milk,” (2008) watched during Pride Month at a special screening hosted by the Office of the County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. This film not only highlights the struggles and triumphs of Harvey Milk but also resonates with my advocacy for civil rights and representation.
  • A food, restaurant, or meal that you’re always in the mood for: I’m consistently drawn to Asian-Latino fusion cuisine, with its vibrant flavors and innovative combinations. Local restaurants like Finka and Amelia’s 1931 by Eileen Andrade from the Islas Canarias restaurant family are staples for me, embodying Miami’s cultural blend.
  • Favorite cartoon character and why:  Anastasia, whose story of resilience and identity discovery inspires me. It reflects the journey many of us take to find our place and purpose in the world, driven by inner strength and determination.

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