Lilly Enekes ‘21: Future Female Tech Leader

This past summer, Lilly Enekes ‘21 worked as an intern at Code/Art Miami where she taught young girls the art of coding by implementing fun, art-infused programs and a creative curriculum. As Co-President of the Gulliver Prep Future Society of Women Engineers Club (FSWE) and a member of the Gulliver Prep Robotics Team, Enekes works to inspire, educate, and encourage girls to enter the computer science field, showcase their untapped talents, and pursue careers in this growing industry.
Read on to learn more about Lilly Enekes’ summer internship, her journey of coding and computer science at Gulliver Prep, her future plans, and more.
Q: After your civil engineering internship was cancelled, how did you learn about Code/Art Miami?
A: Code/Art transitioned from being a club for Girls Who Code to its own organization when I was in eighth grade. During my seventh and eighth grade years, I was enrolled in the Monday evening classes at the Pinecrest Library location. Once I entered high school, I volunteered as a Teacher’s Assistant during my freshman and sophomore year. My junior year, I was promoted to be the Lead Teacher and Level 1 Instructor at the Pinecrest Library location. I teach the youngest students and/or the ones with the least experience with programming, while also managing the other two instructors that I work with. I was still wrapping up the sessions on Zoom with my Code/Art students when my civil engineering internship at HBC was canceled. Soon after, I was offered a TA position for the summer CodeHER Club classes!
Q: What made you decide to work with Code/Art Miami?
A: I decided to work with Code/Art as I have a personal connection with them and strongly believe in their initiative to encourage girls to engage in programming through a fun and creative curriculum.
Q: What were your responsibilities as an intern?
A: As an intern, I would take attendance and report a review on each class and the lessons being taught. Since the classes were taught over Zoom, I would also go into Breakout Rooms to assist any of the students that had fallen behind or needed one-on-one attention. In addition, I attended monthly faculty meetings on zoom to discuss the classes.
Q: What was your favorite part of the internship? Do you plan on staying involved?
A: My favorite part of the internship was meeting a new set of girls and getting to introduce them to the world of coding. The excitement they show towards the lessons is extremely motivating and inspiring to see such young girls discover their passions. This year, I will continue to be the lead teacher and level 1 instructor.
Q: Did you start coding while at Gulliver Prep?
A: In the summer before fourth grade, I started coding in a Gulliver Prep robotics program with Mrs. Valencia. She taught me the basics of coding a simple robot and I have been in love with it ever since! Being the only girl taking the course inspired me to promote the possibilities of females in STEM to younger generations with Code/Art and the Gulliver Prep FSWE Club.
Q: How will you integrate what you learned in school with other programs, internships, etc.?
A: Since taking several engineering and architecture classes at Gulliver Prep, my passion for innovation and creativity have increased. With the help of the Gulliver Prep Robotics Team, I’ve also discovered my passion for strategic thinking and organization which has helped me, and will continue to help me, approach new situations and find solutions to several problems. Being ahead in math courses and completing AP BC Calculus last year has also given me the opportunity to explore more evolved topics and learn with a different perspective.
Q: What do you plan on studying in college?
A: With the help of Gulliver Prep’s Robotics Team and Code/Art Miami I have found what will possibly be my major in college; data science.
To learn more about Code/Art Miami, click here. Along with the CodeHER club classes for grades 6-9, they will be hosting free workshops for high school girls grades 9-12 on different STEM topics.